Tattoo Machine Kit: Aurora 2 Power Supply & Biomaser Machine (2025)

Tattoo Machine Kit: Aurora 2 Power Supply & Biomaser Machine (2)

Tattoo Machine Kit: Aurora 2 Power Supply & Biomaser Machine (5)

  • (619) 450-7506
  • 2815 Camino Del Rio South Suite 300

Tattoo Machine Kit: Aurora 2 Power Supply & Biomaser Machine (6)

Description How to Use Contents/Specifications

Elevate your tattoo artistry with this complete Tattoo Machine Kit, combining precision, versatility, and reliability. The kit includes the Aurora 2 Digital Power Supply, a Biomaser tattoo machine, two needles, and a Power Tattoo Clip Cord, ensuring seamless tattooing for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Key Features:

  • Aurora 2 Digital Power Supply: Features a sleek LCD display for precise voltage adjustments. Dual power input (110V/220V) for domestic and international use.
  • Biomaser Tattoo Machine: A reliable device for both coil and rotary tattooing applications.
  • Versatile Accessories: Includes two tattoo needles and a Power Tattoo Clip Cord for effortless connection.
  • Enhanced Performance: Ideal for a variety of tattooing styles with consistent power output and smooth operation.


  • Power Supply Compatibility: Works with both coil and rotary tattoo machines.
  • Voltage: Adjustable with digital display for precision control.
  • Dual Voltage Options: 110V/220V for global compatibility.
  • Biomaser Machine: Compact and lightweight design.

This all-in-one Tattoo Machine Kit is designed to meet the demands of modern tattoo artistry, offering a professional-grade solution for every tattoo artist.

Directions for Use:

  1. Connect the Aurora 2 Digital Power Supply to the Biomaser tattoo machine using the included Power Tattoo Clip Cord.
  2. Adjust the voltage on the power supply to match the desired tattooing style.
  3. Insert one of the included needles into the Biomaser machine.
  4. Ensure all components are clean and sanitized before and after use.
  5. Use gloves and follow standard hygiene protocols during operation.
  6. Store the kit in a cool, dry place when not in use.


  • Aurora 2 Power Supply: Adjustable voltage, digital LCD display, dual voltage input (110V/220V).
  • Biomaser Tattoo Machine: Lightweight and versatile, compatible with coil and rotary systems.
  • Accessories: Two needles and a Power Tattoo Clip Cord.
  • Use: Professional tattooing for a variety of styles.

Tattoo Machine Kit: Aurora 2 Power Supply & Biomaser Machine (10)

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Tattoo Machine Kit: Aurora 2 Power Supply & Biomaser Machine (2025)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.